Tomorrow no more exams until next week's thursday..
All right..few days pass i get to go in Euphoria by Ministry of Sound @ Sunway Resort
it's a club..of coz i went in not during the operating hour..i'm way way underage
only 18+ are allowed to go in
but i'm the lucky one get to go in bcoz my yoyo club had performance there
i dhin get to see the performance bcoz i cant go in during operating hour
after 13 years this is my first time into club of coz must take picture ma! haha
the entrance



the guys toilet

the table changes and blue

the air cond inside i SOOO cold until when i came out of Euphoria my camera lens

Hey, u got to go into Euphoria? xD Anyways, seriously admire ur photoraphy skills! xP
Yupp =) just awhile before they start business hour..
tks alot =)
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